raw questions
1.What is cretfication ? 2.What are certification in sailpoint ? Manager certification application owner certification entitlement owner certification advanced certification Role Membership Role composition Account Group Permissions Account Group Membership 3.What are the lifecylce of certification ? 1.Staging period ? 2.Challenge period ? 3.Revocation period ? 4.Sign off period 4. is it possible to hold certification ? yes, challenging phase, user can challenge his access 5. is it possible exclude certification for members ? yes, it is possible to sepecify the members from certification in advance certiification? 6. What is rule ? Rule is nothing but it is bean shell script and this can be resuable. 7. What is pre-iterate ? PreIterate Rule: This rule runs only once for the whole file before the records in the file are processed; it is available to address any file-management needs for the aggregation task. Common examples include unzipping the fil