Sailpoint 182+ Interview Questions

Sailpoint 100+ Interview Questions

  1. What is certification ?
  2. What are certifications in sailpoint ?
  3. What are the lifecylce of certification ?
  4.  is it possible to hold certification ?
  5. What is rule ?
  6. What is pre-iterate ?
  7. What is build map rule ?
  8. Customized rule ?
  9. Pre-delegation rule ?
  10. What is access Management ?
  11. What is Role  and what is the use of Role ?
  12. What are Roles ?
  13. What is Identity Mapping ?
  14. What is mitigation ?
  15. How can we set limit for delete aggregation ?
  16. What is Identity risk ? application risk ?
  17. What is service account and how you are going to represent ?
  18. How many ways, you can initialize variables in workflows?
  19. How to debug the workflows ?
  20. Enable logging (log files) for sail point
  21. How to set debug logger for logger in sail point.
  22. How to set Info logger for logger in sail point.
  23. What is Application on boarding?
  24. How many types extended attributes can increase in sail point ?
  25. What are the parameters need to uncomment in file?
  26. How many types of Roles can be created in Sail point?
  27. What is role membership certification ?
  28. What is application owner certification?
  29. What is exclusion rule?
  30. What is nativeIdentity?
  31. How we can represent an organization in Sail point?
  32.  In case there is a new target system , how will you interact with that target system to get all records from it and do the governance for that target system?
  33. What is lifecycle events?
  34. What is exclusion rule in certification ?
  35. Whether workflows can be called from certification or not?
  36. What is predelegation rule ?
  37. What is role based access control?
  38. What is beanshell script?
  39. Have you done the SSO configuration? Tell me the steps and configuration?
  40. How to write a custom task? Give all necessary steps which need to be done.
  41. What are important tables of database for Sailpoint identityiq? 
  42. What is ruleLibrary. What is the purpose of writing a rule library.
  43. What is Library in workflow?
  44. When ever a user joins the firm, what all things is done in sail point for that. what are all configuration required?
  45. What is nativechange type of life cycle event.
  46. What is rule based life cycle event. How it is used?
  47. What is  the difference between capabilities and roles?
  48. What are approval items?
  49. What are different modes of approval?
  50. Is there any difference between role mining and role engineering. If it is there what are them?
  51. What is role mining? What are different approaches for role mining?
  52. What kind of roles you have implemented?
  53. What are componets required to configure LDAP and AD?
  54. if you are using application servers - weblogic and any applicaiton servers.What you need to configure
  55. What is logical application?
  56. What kind of custom tasks you build?
  57. What are different phase in certification?
  58. How can we use forms?
  59. What is Identity mapping?
  60. What is account Mapping?
  61. What is connector Rule?
  62.  What are different types of provisioning?
  63. What is aggregation?
  64. What kind of certification you have involved so for?
  65. What are the steps involved in sailpoint installation?
  66. During the installation process which xml you need to load in IIQ.
  67. What is up gradation and how did you perform up gradation ?
  68. What kind of issues , have you faced in up gradation process ?
  69. What is patching and how you have performed in patching in sailpoint ?
  70. What kind of roles you have implemented?
  71. How can we use forms?
  72. What is assigned role and detected role?
  73. What kind of certification you have involved so for?
  74. Difference between work groups and populations?
  75. How to trigger custom workflow?
  76. Any other way to trigger custom workflow?
  77. Difference between IT role and Business role?
  78. What is scope in sailpoint?
  79. What did you write in provisioning plan?
  80. What is Correlation and types?
  81. Why correlation rule?
  82. What is transition?
  83. What are Cloud modules?
  84. Can we use buildmap rule in AD?
  85. What to define variables in Sailpoint ?
  86. What to Promote managed attributes
  87. What is Detect deleted accounts ?
  88. What is logical application?  
  89. What kind of custom tasks you build? 
  90. What are different phase in certification?
  91. What are different life cycle events?
  92. What is purpose of Perform maintenance ?
  93. What is the purpose of Check expired mitigations daily ?
  94. What is the purpose of Check expired work items daily ?
  95. What is the purpose of the task Perform Identity Request Maintenance  ?
  96. How to find out no of users login and log out failed in sailpoint.
  97. How many searches are available in Advanced Analatiks report?
  98. How many Standard attributes are there in Identity Search ?
  99. How many Searchable Attributes are there by default?
  100.  What is Searchable Attributes and how to define them ?
  101. Where is the file exists in identifyiq.
  102. What is group factory ?
  103. What is multi-value field ?
  104. What is identity Attribute ?
  105.  What is difference between Rule and Script ?
  106. What is the use of move account in application accounts tab ?
  107. What is the name of the field you set for IdentityIQ to populate this attribute?
  108. What is the difference between account mapping and identity mapping ?
  109. What is Extended Identity Attributes ?
  110. By Default Multi-valued attributes are searchable ? 
  111. What is application rule and What is global rule in Identity mapping ?
  112. if you want to use in account correlation which type of identity attributes, you need to specify ?
  113. What is uncorrelated identifies ?
  114. What is authoritative source ?
  115. What is links on Sailpoint ?
  116. What is the difference between Identity and account ?
  117. What is prune Identity task ?
  118. Which application identities automatically correlated identities ?
  119. Define correlation attributes for below given applications
  120. Correlation always happen which attributes ?
  121. What is use of correlation rule ?
  122. What is Manager correlation ?
  123. What is the difference between Identity correlation and Manager correlation ?
  124. How to configure new Identity Attributes in identity clube
  125. How to delete all indentities from IdentityIQ ?
  126. How to delete accounts for one specify application ?
  127. What is Instance Attribute ?
  128. Customize the Identities page to include new Identity ?
  129. If you define attributes are searchable,when you can find them as searchable attributes ?
  130. if you have loaded authorative applications, if you are loading non-authoritative accounts. what are things you need to take care ?
  131. What is orphan accounts ?
  132. To promote entitlement into Entitlement Catalog ?
  133. What is the use of Data needs to be merged  in application on boarding ?
  134. How to skip starting 'n' of lines in file loading using delimiter connector ?
  135. How to filer empty lines loading in file loading approach ?
  136. How to ingore department value as manufacture in delimiter file.
  137. How to skip record loading if read starting with "#" ?
  138. What is the use of  Revoker in application on boarding ?
  139. Which are connectors, we will specify Native Object Type other than account ?
  140. What is PostIterate Rule and where exactly this rule being used ?
  141. What is Map to ResourceObject Rule and where it is being used ?
  142. What are the Connector Rules ?
  143. What are the Aggregation Rules
  144. What is difference between Connector Rules and Aggregation Rules ?
  145. What is the use of clearCache command ?
  146. How to clear the pending emails queue ?
  147. What is the use of connectorDebug ? 
  148. If you want any attribute to be part of entitlement catalog. where do you need to specify attributes?
  149. What is  Delta Identity Refresh ?
  150. How many steps involved in Delta Identity Refresh setup ?
  151. What is Multiplexing application ?
  152. What is updateMultiplexedSchemas and where exactly this attribute being used ?
  153. What is logical application ?
  154. What is difference between Multiplexed application and Logical applications ?
  155. Similarities and Differences between roles and Logical applications
  156. If you want to refresh only one specific application identify cubes ?
  157. What is the synonymous for account ?
  158. How to create custom Identity Refresh Cube ?
  159. How to create custom tasks ?
  160. Can you please describe about IIQ Disabled and where exactly this is being used ?
  161. What is Workgroups and where Workgroups can be used?
  162. What is Group Factory and Where it is being defined and where it is being used 
  163. What kind of visibility is there for populations ?
  164. What is policy ? 
  165. How are you going to manage Policy violations ?
  166. Examples of Policies ?
  167. How many policies and describe them ?
  168. How are you handling policy violations ?
  169. How many types of Risk scores are available ?
  170.  What is the use of Refresh Group ?
  171. What is the use of Refresh Risk Scores?
  172. What is the use of  Refresh Continuous Certification task ?
  173. How to get object name in rules ?
  174. How to get attributes of Identities ?
  175. Display all attributes of all Identity  of mappings of attributes ?
  176. Display one specific attribute of identity mapping attribute ?
  177. How do develop custom task?
  178. How to load the lcm manager ?
  179. How to specify different requests for Batch servers,UI Servers ?
  180. How many mechanisms IdentiyIQ cube data is going to get created in IdentityIQ cube ?
  181. What is the benefit of Monioring enable tab in workflows?
  182. How to enable monitoring for all workflows?


  1. Sailpoint IAM Online Training


    Learn SailPoint's IdentityIQ a governance-based Identity and Access Management (IAM) software solution for enterprise customers from a professional Sailpoint Expert, Learn how With IdentityIQ, your users gain access to a variety of powerful IAM processes including automated access certifications, policy management, access request and provisioning, password management, and identity intelligence.

    The most indepth / comprehensive online training course offered in the industry.

    For Sailpoint Interview Questions and Answers Visit

    for Learning Sailpoint contact us now. / +91 9986072268

  2. Visit Sailpoint IAM Online Training

    Learn SailPoint's IdentityIQ a governance-based Identity and Access Management (IAM) software solution for enterprise customers from a professional Sailpoint Expert, Learn how With IdentityIQ, your users gain access to a variety of powerful IAM processes including automated access certifications, policy management, access request and provisioning, password management, and identity intelligence.

    The most indepth / comprehensive online training course offered in the industry.

    For Sailpoint Interview Questions and Answers Visit

    for Learning Sailpoint contact us now. / +91 9986072268


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